Chateau Laurier

Prescott Hotel












































The following is an edit from the Document entitled
Ottawa Valley ASHRAE Chapter "50 Years of History"
compiled by Frank Bann et al., June 2000

The first monthly meeting of the new season was held at the Prescott Hotel on October 20th 1953 at 7:00pm. George Ostiguy was president. The president called the meeting to order and presented a toast to the Queen. This was followed by a standing roll call and a welcome to new members and guest. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and a motion was carried to adopt the minutes as read. Treasurer Ed. Schoenherr then gave a short financial report and asked that members promptly paid their society and chapter dues. He also noted that the November meeting notice would include a bill for chapter dues. The speaker for the evening was Mr. J. A. Neilson of Foster-Wheeler Limited. His subject was on the standardization of the water tube boiler in Canada.

At the November meeting the delegate and alternate would be selected for the chapters regional conference (CRC), Bill Robinson as Delegate and Bill Pennock as alternate. It was unanimously decided that the December meeting would be a mixed meeting with wives and friends. The speaker for the evening was Bill Colborne, a Queens graduate. His subject was on research and its value in the industry.

The December meeting was a Christmas dance meeting with wives and friends in attendance. Each member brought a gift which was donated to the Children's Aid Society - a total of 31 gifts were donated in all. The evening started with a great meal followed by singing, live entertainment and dancing.

January's meeting was a last minute discussion due to the unavoidable absence of the guest speaker Mr. Phipps of Preston-Phipps Inc. The topic was a panel discussion on the business of shopping by contractors and sub-contractors. A very lively discussion then ensued during which all sides, engineers, suppliers and contractors stated their view, and it was agreed by all that this business of shopping was very bad. Many opinions were given on how to stop this practice, among these being tighter specifications, naming of sub-contractors and suppliers of equipment on tenders, and the practice of the owner trying to get the general contractor to lower his bid to cease, as after all, the owner will only get what he is willing to pay for.

At February's meeting treasurer Ed. Schoenherr reminded members to pay their dues as at this time there were still a large number of unpaid dues. The evening's speakers were Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Pandy of the Ric-Wil company, on pre-fabricated piping for underground and outside. Thirty six members and guests attended the meeting which was very gratifying as unfortunately the meeting was held in the middle of the worst sleet and snow storm of the winter which virtually tied up traffic and many members had to shovel plenty of snow in order to attend the meeting.

At the March meeting the chapter was graced by the presence of Mr. John E. Haines, the first Vice-president of A.S.H.V.E.. Mr Haines congratulated the chapter on their attendance and enthusiasm. He then outlined the goals of the society and the responsibilities of each member. The society had grown from 3,000 to 10,000 in only ten years. One of the main activities of the society is to maintain its own research laboratory and its work in conjunction with universities. Mr Haines then closed with the following five proposals for the future:

  • Quit talking about a recession

  • Believe in North America (Canada and U.S.A.)

  • Be optimistic of the future

  • Do not be satisfied with existing conditions

  • Believe in the aims of the society

The procedures for the election of the nominating committee were carried out with the following members elected to the committee:
C. Watson, E Hargreaves and J. Klassen. The speaker for the evening was Mr. Hayward Murray of Montreal. His subject was on the difference between comfort and industrial air conditioning.

April's meeting was the first meeting where the past-president pin was presented to Bunny Stotesbury. The speaker for the evening was Mr. Judges. His topic was refrigeration.

May's meeting was the last for the 1953-54 chapter year. The new board of governors were elected in:

President - W.J. Robinson
Vice-President - E. Schoenherr
Secretary - N. J. Howes
Treasurer - D. Banton
Board of Governors - G. Ostiguy, J. Partington, L. Greenough, S. Bullis

The gavel was then turned over to the new president W.J. Robinson who then thanked G. Ostiguy for his untiring efforts and thanked the chapter for honoring him by electing him as president of the chapter. Society's new proposed zoning of the chapters was described to the chapter members where the zoning would be north-south with Canada as a separate zone would be broken up. Considerable discussion took place with chapter solidly behind the executive in opposing the new zoning. A motion was then made by G. Ostiguy, seconded by E. Schoenherr that the proposed zoning be solidly opposed by this chapter and that the new executive so inform the chapters relations committee. This motion was carried without a single dissenting vote. The speaker for the evening was Mr. Phipps of Montreal. His subject was "Pneumatic Ash Conveying systems."



Key Dollar Value in this period

prime minister
Prime Minister
Louis St. Laurent
dollar coin
1 dollar CDN
0.99 dollar U.S.
governor general
Governor General
Vincent Massey



Key Events in this period

Toronto - Hamilton Tiger Cats beat Winnipeg Blue Bombers, 12-6 to win 41st Grey Cup game
La famille Plouffe premiered on the brand-new French CBC Television network
Montreal Canadians sign Jean Beliveau (Rookie) for a 5-year $100,000 contract, at the time the highest contact ever awarded
Red Kelly of the Detroit Red Wings is the first recipient of the James Morris Trophy.
Detroit Red Wings win the Stanley Cup
April 4 Montreal 1 Detroit 3 
April 6 Montreal 3 Detroit 1 
April 8 Detroit 5 Montreal 2 
April 10 Detroit 2 Montreal 0 
April 11 Montreal 1 Detroit 0 OT
April 13 Detroit 1 Montreal 4 
April 16 Montreal 1 Detroit 2 OT