Chateau Laurier

Prescott Hotel












































The following is an edit from the Document entitled
Ottawa Valley ASHRAE Chapter "50 Years of History"
compiled by Frank Bann et al., June 2000

The first meeting of the 1956-57 season was held on October 16th at the Prescott Hotel. President Don Banton reported that the golf tournament last spring at Lachute was a success. Ed Leon made a Hole-in-one during the tournament. J. Klassen reported that the first meeting at the Technical High School was a success. 35 people attended this lecture and the majority indicated that they desired to attend future lectures that may be given. A request was made on behalf of the Education Committee that members bring in old ASHRAE guides that could be made available to interested parties attending such lectures. The speaker for the evening was Mr. Harold A. Lockhart, Vice-President and Chief Engineer, Bell & Gossett Company. His topic was "Point of Zero Pressure Change in Forced Hot Water Heating Systems".

During the November meeting it was announced that a new Chapter was to be opened in Quebec City on December 12th 1956; the Chapter would be known as Ville de Quebec Chapter. Again at the annual Christmas party members brought gifts to be donated to the children in Moose Factory. The speaker for the November program was Mr. H.S. Fowler of the Division of Mechanical Engineering at N.R.C. His topic was "Ducting as Applied to Air Handling".

January's meeting would go down in to the books as one of the most lively open forums of Chapter History. The evening was set aside as our Annual Open Forum. Alec Lawson outlined the bid depository system now being tried out in Toronto and generously offered to provide each member with a mimeographed copy of the regulations. Ian Paterson, pinch hitting at short notice, commented on such a system from a supplier point of view. John Massiah, in fine form, discussed the system from the contractors' angle. From then on, all semblance of topical cohesion broke down. The President generously relaxed Parliamentary Procedures and permitted many liberties usually not allowed on any other occasion. This action did much to stimulate the discussion and, if there were any faint hearted speakers, their presence went unnoticed. The meeting was adjourned but this did not close off the arguments, which continued until close to curfew. It might be added that nothing was settled and nearly everyone was in the act.

At the February meeting President Don Banton introduced Mr. John Fox, Regional Director ASH&VE . Mr. J. Fox said a few words about Regional business and his past year's activities with society. He also noted he was looking forward to his up coming retirement. He did volunteer his services to any and all that may require them in the future. The speaker for the evening was Mr. Jack Spence, General Manager of Inter-Provincial Utilities in Ottawa. His topic was "A Proposed Specification as related to Approvals and Inspections Policies and Programs Governing Gas-Fired Equipment recommended by the Ontario Fuel Board and by the Canadian Gas Association" (phew [ed]).

For March, the regular monthly Chapter meeting was advanced to March 13th to coincide with the Regional Chapter Meeting. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President, Mr. C. Watson presided. The guests seatet at the Head table were President of the Society Mr. P.B. Gordon, the 2nd Vice-president Mr. A.J. Hess, and the assistant to the Secretary Mr. F. Hoffman, all from New York. In addition Mr. J.H. Ross, Mr. W.G. Hole, and Mr. J.H. Fox were able to attend. Representatives from various Chapters were seated at the tables as well. The speaker for the evening was Maj.-Gen. H.A. Young. His topic was "Activities and Development in Northern Canada".

During the April meeting Mr. Al Grey suggested that we attempt a golf and stage night some time in September of next year as the first annual golf tournament for the Ottawa Valley Chapter. The business session reviewed the success of the Regional Meeting and activities. The speaker for the evening was Dr. Elliott of Sheldon's Limited. His topic was "Various aspects of sound".

At the May meeting the operations of the Chapter were reviewed with overall attendance increasing, good program and entertainment. The topic of the annual golf tournament and the Montreal Lachute tournament were discussed. Al Grey would head up the organization of the First Annual Ottawa Valley Golf Tournament. The new board was elected into office as follows:

President - C. Watson
Vice-President - J. Klassen
Secretary - A.H. Hargreaves
Treasurer - S. Bullis

Board of Governors - N. Kirby, J. Green & S. Smith

President Don Banton then reported that the 1956-57 season was at an end and reviewed the accomplishments of the year. The gavel was then handed over to the incoming President Charlie Watson. President Charlie Watson then presented Past President Don Banton with a silver tray as a token of our appreciation of his past service.



Key Dollar Value in this period

prime minister
Prime Minister
Louis St. Laurent
dollar coin
1 dollar CDN
1.02 dollar U.S.
governor general
Governor General
Vincent Massey



Key Events in this period

Ottawa - Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent announces the founding of the Canada Council, with funding from government and two major estates, to encourage arts, humanities and social sciences in Canada
Rocket Richard becomes the first player in NHL history to score 500 goals
Montreal Canadians win the Stanley Cup
April 6 Boston 1 Montreal 5 
April 9 Boston 0 Montreal 1 
April 11 Montreal 4 Boston 2 
April 14 Montreal 0 Boston 2 
April 16 Boston 1 Montreal 5