Chateau Laurier

Beacon Arms












































The following is an edit from the Document entitled
Ottawa Valley ASHRAE Chapter "50 Years of History"
compiled by Frank Bann et al., June 2000

The first meeting of the 1958-59 chapter season was held on October 22nd 1958 at the Beacon Arms Hotel with President J. Klassen presiding. The Chapter meeting location hade been changed - there was some confusion over the location for which President J. Klassen apologized and assured would not occur next meeting. There was some discussion on the proposed merger of ASRE and ASHAE. J. McCaughye proposed that the dinner portion of the meeting be advanced a half hour to 6:30. A show of hands indicated most agreed, this would be discussed at the next Board of Governors meeting. The speaker for the evening was Mr. D. Walker of Handy Harmon Ltd. His topic was “Silver Brazing”.

The November meeting speaker was Mr. J. Fox, National Treasurer. Mr. J. Fox discussed the merger, the history of ASHAE. The overall direction of Mr. Fox’s discussion was that there is a need for Engineering groups to speak with a common voice and he felt the merger would strengthen the Society. Most meetings were followed by a “friendship hour” as it was called.

At the January meeting it was noted that membership roster for the chapter was at 82. The program for the evening was the Annual Panel discussion on “Guarantees”. It was a lively one too.

At February’s meeting Mr. W.G. Hole, regional Director AHRE Montreal Section was a guest. Two Students from Carleton University were present to accept their awards. 1st $75 to Brian Newton, 2nd $25 Walter Wyslouzil. The guest speaker for the evening was Prof. W. Bruce, Head of the Mechanical Engineering Dept. of McGill University. His topic "Comfort - Its Variables and Limits”.

During the March meeting the topic of Chapter dues was raised again. President Jake Klassen stated that it was the policy of the Society to have Chapters reduce their dues to the absolute minimum so as to not build up large surpluses. The guest speaker for the evening was Mr. E. Mitchell, Head of the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Dept. Of Mines. His topic “Fuel and Apparatus Problems Suggest an Interesting Trend in Research”.

April’s guest speaker was Mr. Stanley Knowles, Executive Vice-President, C.L.C.

The Final meeting of the 1958-59 season was held at the Beacon Arms Hotel on May 19th 1959. The finance committee reported a net surplus of $3.00 on the year's operations. The election of officers for the coming season took place as follows:
President - A.H. Hargreaves
Vice-President -N. Kirby
Secretary - A. Gray
Treasurer - P. Fortier
Board of Governors -G. Goodkey, G. Richards & J. Partington

President Jake Klassen passed the gavel to incoming president Art Hargreaves. An Extremely humourous ceremony followed where Past President Jake Klassen was admitted into the ranks of the Past Presidents. The meeting ended with a short film on the construction of a portion of the Trans-Mountain Pipe Line in British Columbia.


Key Dollar Value in this period

prime minister
Prime Minister
John Diefenbaker
dollar coin
1 dollar CDN
1.02 dollar U.S.
governor general
Governor General
Vincent Massey



Key Events in this period

Princess Margaret opens Ottawa’s new City Hall on Green Island
Toronto - George ‘Punch’ Imlach appointed coach of the Toronto Maple Leafs
NASA is formed
Credit card starts to be used for purchasing
John Diefenbaker cancels the CF-105 Avro Arrow
The last streetcars were taken off the streets of Ottawa
Montreal Canadians win the Stanley Cup
April 9 Toronto 3 Montreal 5 
April 11 Toronto 1 Montreal 3 
April 14 Montreal 2 Toronto 3 OT
April 16 Montreal 3 Toronto 2 
April 18 Toronto 3 Montreal 5