Chateau Laurier

Cathay House












































The following is an edit from the Document entitled
Ottawa Valley ASHRAE Chapter "50 Years of History"
compiled by Frank Bann et al., June 2000

The regular October meeting was held at the Cathy House on October the 18th 1960 with President N. Kirby Preciding.

Past President A. Hargreaves was presented with the Past Presidents pin and an inscribed silver tray from the Chapter. The new Chapter By-laws were presented for adoption; after a few amendments were made by the members the by-laws were adopted on a motion by J. Klassen and seconded by V. Berton. The speaker for the evening as Mr. J. Frank O’Neill of the Trane Company of Canada Ltd. His topic was “Different Types of Air-Conditioning Systems”.

At November’s meeting members were asked to consider giving a donation to the Engineering Building fund in New York. The speaker for the evening was Mr. Rodger Hooke of Vibron Ltd. His topic was “Control of Mechanical Vibration”.

At January’s meeting Vice-President P. Fortier was thanked for the great Christmas party. The program for the evening was the Annual Open Forum, each table had a topic, the chair of each table read the topic and expressed pros and cons. The topic was then open to the floor.

February’s meeting speaker was Mr Charles Rink of Industrial Acoustics Company of New York. His topic was “Noise Calculations in Fans and Ducts”.

Regional Director Mr Don Angus was present at the March meeting. Two Carleton University students were presented with annual chapter donations. The speaker for the evening was Mr Don Tomelty of Velan Engineering Limited, Montreal. His topic was “Bi-Metallic steam traps”.

At April’s meeting it was noted that the Montreal chapter was celebrating its 25th anniversary on May 25th 1961. The nominating committee presented the slate of officers for the 1961-62 year:
President - P. Fortier
Vice-President - J Partington
Secretary - I. Paterson
Treasurer - Don McKeen
Board of Governors - A. Simmons, J. Bowie & M. Overburry

The speaker for the evening was Mr. Don Adamson Chief Economist of Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation. His topic was “Mortgage Lending in Canada”.

At May’s meeting the new officers were elected in by the members. President N. Kirby passed the gavel over to incoming president Paul Fortier. President P. Fortier then presented Past President N. Kirby with the Past President's pin and an inscribed silver tray. Jake Klassen then conducted an elaborate ceremony introducing Mr. Kirby into the association of Past Presidents with the appropriate regalia and comments. The evening was completed with the showing of the 1960 Grey Cup Game.



Key Dollar Value in this period

prime minister
Prime Minister
John Diefenbaker
dollar coin
1 dollar CDN
1.00 dollar U.S.
governor general
Governor General
Georges-Philéas Vanier



Key Events in this period

John F. Kennedy wins the United States Presidential Election
Toronto - Gordie Howe scores his 1,000th point with an assist as the Detroit Red Wings beat the Toronto Maple Leafs
Royal Ottawa Mental Health Center opens
CJOH TV is born (logo dates from 1994)
Chicago Black Hawks win the Stanley Cup
April 6 Detroit 2 Chicago 3 
April 8 Chicago 1 Detroit 3 
April 10 Detroit 1 Chicago 3 
April 12 Chicago 1 Detroit 2 
April 14 Detroit 2 Chicago 6 
April 16 Chicago 5 Detroit 1