Chateau Laurier

Cathay House












































The following is an edit from the Document entitled
Ottawa Valley ASHRAE Chapter "50 Years of History"
compiled by Frank Bann et al., June 2000

The regular October meeting was held at the Cathay House on October 17th 1961with president Paul Fortier preciding.

Treasurer D. McKeen presented the financial report with the Chapter's assets at $803.14. The meal plan was introduced at this meeting. Regional Director Mr. John Ross of Toronto was a special guest at the meeting and gave a brief talk on the new United Engineering Centre in New York, and invited all to attend the Toronto CRC in March 1962. The speaker for the evening was Mr. Bob Charrette of the Shipley Co. Of Canada Ltd.. His topic was “Induction Systems”. The meeting was concluded with the usual social hour or two and was well attended.

At November’s meeting an announcement was made that the monthly meeting notice would be sent out earlier in order that all members would receive it in plenty of time. The speaker for the evening was Mr. J.D. Jennison. His topic was “The proper use of English words” and “The philosophy of letter writing”.

At January’s meeting President P. Fortier explained the National Body’s proposal as to the disposition of the annual Chapter allocation. The chapter members voted on the plebicite (30yeas, 1ney). It was decided that President P. Fortier would notify Headquarters that our chapter stand would be to drop the allocation and maintain the present national dues structure. Carleton University was again presented with a $100 donation to 2 engineering students. The speaker for the evening was Mr. B. Allan of the construction Materials Board of the Department of National Defense. His topic was “The Evaluation, Function and Policies of the Board”.

February’s meeting was the annual Open Forum; the topic was “Can Unions and Management Find Common Ground”. The guests representing each side were Mr. Robert Campeau (Management) and Mr. Doug Forgie (Unions). It was also noted the Mr. Lloyd Francis, Deputy Mayor of Ottawa was a guest at the meeting.

At March’s meeting Jake Klassen was appointed to fabricate a new ASHRAE sign at the entrance door to the meeting area. A special guest at the meeting was Dr. Miller from Carleton University and the two student awards winners Mr. McCready and Mr. Patterson. Both students presented an outline of their prize winning essays. The speaker for the evening was Mr. Gordon McRostie. His topic was basically an account of his latest business and pleasure trip to Russia. He also discussed construction methods and economic differences.

At April’s meeting the Chapter had a special guest in attendance Mr. John Fox of Toronto. Mr Fox was the first Vice-President of the National Society. Nominating committee advised the members of the candidates for the coming year. The speaker for the evening was Mr. W. Woodcock and his topic was “refrigerant controls”.

At May's meeting a very important motion was passed as follows: “It was decided in future, April meeting notices would be stipulated that a 6:30p.m. call to order would be enforced. This would be done as past experience indicates that the Hockey play-offs interfere with our guest speakers presentation. Motion was raised by M.Schwartz and seconded by A. Oakes. The nominating committee presented the slate of officers for the 1961-62 year, which were elected in by the members:
President - J Partington
Vice-President -I. Paterson
Secretary - Don McKeen
Treasurer - G. Goodkey
Board of Governors - G. Carscallen, H. Charles & A. Leithead

President P. Fortier then thanked the members for their support and passed the gavel to incoming president I. Partington. Jake Klassen was asked to admit Past President P. Fortier into the Past Presidents Club. Mr. Klassen did this with appropriate comments. A silver tray was also presented to Mr. Fortier on behalf of the Chapter. The evening program was completed with a showing of a movie regarding the building of the DEW line.



Key Dollar Value in this period

prime minister
Prime Minister
John Diefenbaker
dollar coin
1 dollar CDN
0.94 dollar U.S.
governor general
Governor General
Georges-Philéas Vanier



Key Events in this period

Gordie Howe becomes the first hockey pro to play in 1,000 NHL games
Toronto Maple Leafs win the Stanley Cup after 11 year drought
April 10 Chicago 1 Toronto 4 
April 12 Chicago 2 Toronto 3 
April 15 Toronto 0 Chicago 3 
April 17 Toronto 1 Chicago 4 
April 19 Chicago 4 Toronto 8 
April 22 Toronto 2 Chicago 1