Chateau Laurier

Cathay House












































The following is an edit from the Document entitled
Ottawa Valley ASHRAE Chapter "50 Years of History"
compiled by Frank Bann et al., June 2000

Chapter Meeting minutes are missing for this year, therefore the following is extracted from monthly newsletters and is assumed to be correct:

The Chapter Meetings continued at the Cathay House through this Chapter year.

October's meeting topic was "Computerized System Design and Estimating". The speakers were Bob Bycraft, Ralph Gamble and Kirk Robertson, all members of staff at Public Works Headquarters in Ottawa. In general the topic dealt with building design by computer, which would produce all drawings (without interferences), do a complete heating and cooling load estimate, select and layout equipment, produce a bill of materials , and even prepare a construction schedule. Hard to believe considering the year.

The topic for November's meeting was "Direct Expansion Systems", speakers Julian Heroux of Keeprite, and Bob Niedermeier of Sporlan Valve Company.

In January the meeting topic was "Construction 1975". The discussion took the form of a panel with various speakers.

February's meeting topic was the "The Great Debate - Artificial Humidification is of No Concern in Modern Buildings". Speaker in favour was Prof. Bruce Findlay of Carleton University, while speaker against was Lorne Wilson, Public Works.

Frank Dugal from the Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce, was the speaker for March, his topic being "Metric Conversion". Apparently this did not present a problem for the average person. As the Solicitor General cheerfully noted when it was drawn to his attention that the number of murders in Montreal had already exceeded 50: "So, not to worry, that's only 10 Celsius".

At May’s meeting the following slate of Officers were elected in by the members:
President - Charlie Hobbs
Vice-President - Grant Wilson
Secretary - Jim Black
Treasurer - Bob McKee
Board of Governors - Ginger Colclough, Gerry Patterson, Ralph Gamble, Jim Harrison

Presumably, President Rudolf Jetzelsperger turned over his office to the incoming president Charlie Hobbs and thanked the executive for their assistance during the past year.



Key Dollar Value in this period

prime minister
Prime Minister
Pierre Trudeau
dollar coin
1 dollar CDN
1.00 dollar U.S.
governor general
Governor General
Jules Léger



Key Events in this period

On June 29, 1974, while on tour in Canada with the Kirov Ballet, Baryshnikov defects, requesting political asylum in Toronto, and joins the Royal Winnipeg Ballet.
International Women's Year (IWY) was the name given to 1975 by the United Nations. Since that year March 8 has been celebrated as International Women's Day.
Henry Morgentaler begins a prison sentence after being convicted of performing an abortion without the approval of a three-person hospital committee as required by law. Later in that month he is released long enough for him to receive an award as Humanitarian of the Year.
Philadelphia wins the Stanley Cup
May 15 Buffalo 1 Philadelphia 4
May 18 Buffalo 1 Philadelphia 2
May 20 Philadelphia 4 Buffalo 5 OT
May 22 Philadelphia 2 Buffalo 4
May 25 Buffalo 1 Philadelphia 5
May 27 Philadelphia 2 Buffalo 0
Ed Broadbent elected leader of the New Democratic Party.