Chateau Laurier

Cathay House












































The following is an edit from the Document entitled
Ottawa Valley ASHRAE Chapter "50 Years of History"
compiled by Frank Bann et al., June 2000

The Chapter Meetings continued at the Cathay House through this Chapter year.

In October the meeting topic was "Nuclear Power, Past, Present and Future Developments" presented by Ian Daly, Technical Superintendent Reactor Physics Section, Ontario Hydro.

The November meeting was blessed with the presence of George Menzies, Regional Chair II, who presented the Chapter with its fifth consecutive Presidential Award of Excellence, accepted by Past President Jim Black. The Canadian dollar was slipping against the US dollar at this time, and Jake Klassen addressed a question to George Menzies requesting clarification as to whether 1979 Society dues would be increased due to the devaluation. George advised that all future dues would be paid in US funds - owing to the disparity. The meeting program was presented by Marc Clemman of Clemman Large Patterson - his topic was "Residential Energy Conservation".

January's meeting topic was a panel discussion on "The Use of Codes & Standards in Building Construction", moderated by Simon Jol.

The guest speaker for the February meeting was Graham Armstrong, Research Director of the Office of Energy Conservation, EMR. His topic was "Canada's Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources".

In March there were two speakers and two topics (rather unusual). Prior to the program a brief film entitled "Heat and its Transmission" was presented. The first speaker was C. Turcott of Johns-Manville Canada, his topic "Thermal Transmission and Airflow Loss Data in Operating Duct Systems". This was followed by "Insulation and its Application to Industrial Storage Tanks and Process Piping", presented by A. Brossard of Fiberglass Canada.

April's meeting topic was "The Existing Building Energy Conservation Programme for the National Capital Region in Government of Canada Buildings" [say that five times fast], presented by Charles Schock, Chief of Energy Conservation, National Capital Region, Public Works Canada.

May's meeting topics were "Solar Panels" presented by J. Ramsden, and "Heat Pumps" presented by C. Lemal. Bob McKee turned over the gavel to Mike Acton, and Past President Jim Black presented Bob with the Past Presidents Pin.



Key Dollar Value in this period

prime minister
Prime Minister
Pierre Trudeau
dollar coin
1 dollar CDN
0.88 dollar U.S.
governor general
Governor General
Jules Léger



Key Events in this period

The Sudbury Strike begins.
Anne Murray's "You Needed Me" hits number 1 on the Billboard charts.
Federal election results in the defeat of Liberal Party of Canada after 11 years in power under Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. Joe Clark led the Progressive Conservative Party to power, but with only a minority of seats in the House of Commons.
Montreal wins the Stanley Cup
May 13 New York 4 Montreal 1
May 15 New York 2 Montreal 6
May 17 Montreal 4 New York 1
May 19 Montreal 4 New York 3 OT
May 21 New York 1 Montreal 4