Chateau Laurier

Cathay House












































The following is an edit from the Document entitled
Ottawa Valley ASHRAE Chapter "50 Years of History"
compiled by Frank Bann et al., June 2000

The Chapter Meetings continued at the Cathay House through this Chapter year.

October's speaker was R. Raimann, Manager of Hydrotherm Canada Ltd., and he spoke about "High Efficiency Gas-Fired Pulse Combustion Boilers" recently available in Canada with an output of 100 MBH mainly for residential use, but also commercial.

Mike Swayne introduced the speaker for November's meeting, Tom Ono of the National Research Council Solar Energy Program. His topic was "Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems", and he discussed the economics of drain back and closed loop systems, and roof and ground mounted solar collectors.

January's topic was a panel discussion on the "Design and Operations of the Department of Transport Training Centre" in Cornwall. Mike Acton was co-ordinator and he introduced the speakers: Jim Ford of Public Works spoke on energy conservation and controls; Kevin Barrett of American Air Filters spoke on the water to air heat pumps used throughout the building; and Doug Overhill spoke on the operation and maintenance of the building.

In February the program topic was "Urea Formaldehyde Insulation" and Cliff Shirtcliff of the National Research Council spoke on the technical aspects of the product including the selction of remedial methods for homeowners.

The March meeting program was "Energy Analysis for Buildings undertaken by the Federal Goverment", with speaker Leslie Jones of BFH/Shawinigan.

Sharon Findlay introduced the April speaker, Doug Cane from the National Research Council - his topic was "Performance of Residential Heat Pumps".

May's meeting topic was "Retrofitting of Central Chillers to Reduce Energy Consumption" with speaker Neil Armstrong. Roy Beckman turned over the gavel to Dalton McIntyre, and Past President Ray Young presented Roy with the Past Presidents Pin.



Key Dollar Value in this period

prime minister
Prime Minister
Pierre Trudeau
dollar coin
1 dollar CDN
0.82 dollar U.S.
governor general
Governor General
Edward Schreyer



Key Events in this period

Wedding of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Lady Diana Spencer, at St. Paul's Cathedral. London.
Bill Gates produces MS DOS.
IBM introduces the first "personal computer"
Space - Canadarm remote manipulator performs flawlessly in four hours of tests on board the space shuttle Columbia STS-2.
The Charter is signed into law by Queen Elizabeth II of Canada along with the rest of the Constitution Act.
New York Islanders win the Stanley Cup
May 8 Vancouver 5 New York 6 OT
May 11 Vancouver 4 New York 6
May 13 New York 3 Vancouver 0
May 16 New York 3 Vancouver 1