Chateau Laurier

Cathay House












































The following is an edit from the Document entitled
Ottawa Valley ASHRAE Chapter "50 Years of History"
compiled by Frank Bann et al., June 2000

The Chapter Meetings continued at the Cathay House through this Chapter year.

The meeting minutes are missing for this year but the newsletters are intact and afford the following:

September's meeting topic was "Cutting Ducts from CAD", with speaker RS Bycroft, Vice President of Graphics Products, Cymbal Cybernetics Corp., Nepean. His speech focused on using CAD in the sheet-metal industry. The meeting was preceded by a visit to the Sir Charles Tupper Building, where you could discover the wonders of Computer-Aided Design - "Move whole offices with your finger and play Space Invaders during your coffee break!".

In October the topic was "Contract Law" with presenter Thomas Barber, partner with Burke-Robertson, Chadwick and Ritchie, Barristers. It focused on contract law obligations, limitations, and consequences.

"Infiltration and Smoke Control" were on the radar at November's meeting with speaker George Tamura from the Division of Building Research of the National Research Council.

George Hollinworth, President of Arbor Control Engineering, was guest speaker for the January meeting. His topic was "Using a Computer for Building Energy Use Analysis". Software developed for that purpose was demonstrated on an IBM-PC. Exciting times indeed!

The speaker for the February meeting was Soli Dubash - but there is no apparent record of what his topic was...

In March the program was "Helping our Diplomats Keep Their Cool" and the appropriate speaker was John Mackay, Mechanical Engineer, Maintenance and Professional Services Division, Department of External Affairs.

The Division of Building Research, National Research Council, again stepped up to the plate in April. The meeting topic was "Basic Concepts of Noise Control", with Alf Warnock of NRC doing the honours.

May's meeting topic was "Motivation" with speaker Walter Staples of External Affairs. Presumably, Frank Vaculik turned over the gavel to Gabriel Laszlo, and Past President John Lunde presented Frank with the Past Presidents Pin.



Key Dollar Value in this period

prime minister
Prime Minister
Brian Mulroney
dollar coin
1 dollar CDN
0.78 dollar U.S.
governor general
Governor General
Jeanne Sauvé



Key Events in this period

MuchMusic is launched.
In the 1984 federal election, the incumbent government of John Turner's Liberal Party of Canada is defeated as the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, led by Brian Mulroney, wins the largest parliamentary majority in Canadian history.
Brian Mulroney is sworn in as Canada's eighteenth prime minister.
Rick Hansen launches his Man in Motion world tour to raise money for spinal cord research.
Edmonton Oilers win the Stanley Cup
May 21 Edmonton 1 Philadelphia 4
May 23 Edmonton 3 Philadelphia 1
May 25 Philadelphia 3 Edmonton 4
May 28 Philadelphia 3 Edmonton 5
May 30 Philadelphia 3 Edmonton 8