Chapter Technology Awards
Commercial Buildings - New
1st Place
Sylvain Chenier
R J Mckee Engineering Ltd.
343 Preston St. (Adobe Tower) is an 11-storey, 21,000 square metre office building project. Some of the energy efficiency features include high efficiency chillers installed in series, variable speed pumping, and free cooling using the cooling tower, and a dry cooler. After normal hours, the chillers are shut down but the tenant spaces have their own water cooled units that use the chilled water loop and the cooling tower, by means of a heat exchanger, for heat rejection. The heating system uses natural gas boilers, also with variable speed pumping, and radiant and in-floor heating. Finally, the building employs a BACnet compatible DDC automation system.
2nd Place
Frank Bann
Goodkey Weedmark & Assoc. Ltd.
Canadian Association of University Teachers is a 2-storey, office building located in Ottawa. Some of the features of the mechanical design include:
-condensing domestic hot water heaters
-dedicated energy wheel heat recovery AHUs with exhaust air from a print area used to preheat the make-up air
-heating plant consisting of multiple small condensing boilers using a low loop temperature; and in-slab perimeter heating used for trim and comfort heating in the office areas.
The project was awarded funding under the NRCan Commercial Building Incentive Program (CBIP) and achieved 35% better results than a Model National Energy Code reference building, translating to savings of over $20k per year.
Commercial Buildings - Existing
Institutional Buildings - New
1st Place
Chris Frauley
R J McKee Engineering Ltd.
Vars Fire Station is a 743 sq. m. multi-functional facility which of course operates on a full-time basis. Some of the features of the mechanical design include:
-high efficiency R-410 split DX systems
-a 2-speed energy recovery ventilator for building exhaust and ventilation air
-heating plant consisting of a single high efficiency condensing boiler using a multizone in-floor radiant heating system
This project was significant in that it was the first City of Ottawa LEED certified building.
2nd Place
Sylvain Chenier
R J Mckee Engineering Ltd.
Barrhaven Elementary School is a new 2-storey, 5300 sq. m. French Catholic Board elementary school located in Barrhaven, consisting of classrooms, computer rooms, a gym, washrooms and other misc. use areas. Some of the key energy efficiency measures of the facility include:
-VAV rooftop units with energy recovery wheel and free cooling economizer, medium pressure ductwork distribution
-fan powered boxes within the classrooms controlled by a motion sensor so they only operate when the room is occupied
-ventilation air controlled by a CO2 monitoring system
Institutional Buildings - Existing
1st Place
Faizal Sudoollah
University of Ottawa
Compressed Air Plant expansion
Health Care Facilities - New
1st Place
Robert Lefebvre
Goodkey, Weedmark & Assoc.
Algonquin College Animal Health Care Facility, Ottawa
Health Care Facilities - Existing
Industrial Facilities or Processes - New
Industrial Facilities or Processes - Existing
Public Assembly Buildings - New
Public Assembly Buildings - Existing
Residential Buildings - New
Residential Buildings - Existing
Alternative and/or Renewable Energy Use