Chateau Laurier

Prescott Hotel












































The following is an edit from the Document entitled
Ottawa Valley ASHRAE Chapter "50 Years of History"
compiled by Frank Bann et al., June 2000

The Charter Night was held in the dinning room of the Prescott Hotel on September 16th 1952. The meeting was presided by President Bunny Stotesbury and minutes taken by Eddie Schoenherr. The head table consisted of Mr. W. Pennock, chairman of the board of governors; Mr. W. Hole representative of the Montreal Chapter, Mr. G. Ostiguy Vice-President; Mr. John Fox representing Grand Council; Mr. J.H. Ross representing the Ontario Chapter from Toronto; Mr. E. Schoenherr Secretary; Mr. W. Robinson Treasurer and Mr. B. Stotesbury President.

The Ottawa Valley Chapter charter was presented to Mr. B. Stotesbury by Mr. Ernest Szekely, the national president and by Mr. John Fox, representing Grand Council. Mr. W. Hole presented the Ottawa Valley Chapter with an ebony gavel with an engraved plate having the following inscription “presented to the Ottawa valley chapter on the occasion of their charter meeting, by the Montreal Chapter A.S.H. & V.E., September 16th, 1952."

At the Chapter meeting in October 21st 1952, Mr. Stan Salter past-president of the Montreal Chapter was present. The treasurer reported a balance of $81.71 and the speaker for the evening was Mr. F. Walker, an Engineer at the Ottawa Civic Hospital who presented a paper on “Steam or Hot Water ???”.

The November chapter meeting was held on November 18th 1952. The local dues were $5.00, dinner was $2.00 and a plate was passed around for gratuities. During this meeting the Attendance Committee was introduced and would be responsible for calling members the day before the chapter meeting. The draft Constitution and By-laws were handed out to each member for their review and comments. Any changes were to made by next meetings so a final copy could be forwarded to Society for final approval.

The December Chapter meeting was a social event with a turkey dinner, singing and skits. Society members all brought a wrapped gift not exceeding $1.00 which was donated to the Children's Aid Society, in all 50 gifts were donated. This was written in the Citizen “Engineers Give Gifts To Tots“. A short business session was conducted to review Constitution & By-laws comments from members. A motion was unanimously accepted to accept final corrected Constitution & By-laws.

A motion was passed at the January Chapter meeting that a small token of appreciation be presented to each of the retiring presidents upon their retirement from office.

The February meeting program was on building envelopes and how moisture penetrates building walls and the effects of vapour barriers. The regular monthly meeting would start at 7:00pm in lieu of 6:30pm however the meeting room would be open to members before 7:00pm.

The March meeting was a joint meeting with the Ottawa Branch of the Institute of Power Engineers. Attendance was 22 Members 42 Guests for a total of 64. The first nominating committee was voted in by members. This committee was Mr. Len Greenough, Mr. J. Partington, Mr. P. Place and Mr. Roy Soderlind. They would be responsible for tabling the candidates for office next year.

The April meeting introduced the nominations for the 1953-54 office President G. Ostiguy, Vice-President W. Robinson, Treasurer Ed. Schoenherr, and Secretary Norm Howes. On the Board of Governors, Chairman B. Stotesbury, W. Pennock, Ross Hamilton and J. Massiah. The floor was opened for nominations, after some moments Mr. Eric Barber made a motion “that nominations be closed” seconded by Don Banton. Carried. Slated officer would be sworn in May's meeting. The speaker for the evening was Mr. Harold Lockart Chief Engineer of the Bell & Gossett Co. Topic “ Hot Water Heating”.

May’s Meeting was the last meeting for the 1952-53 chapter year. President B. Stotesbury told his last joke of the year as president. B. Stotesbury turned over the Gavel to Incoming president G. Ostiguy, who presented B. Stotesbury with a silver tray with the engraving “Ottawa Valley Chapter, presented to B. Stotesbury Charter President 1952-53 A.S.H. & V.E.”. The president made his farewell speech in which he stated he was very pleased to see so much progress in the chapter's first year, but that the credit was not his but to all those who put their shoulders to the wheel. During this same meeting a member in attendance pointed out that the Ottawa Valley Chapter would not have existed had it not been for the untiring efforts of Mr. B. Stotesbury. The Montreal Chapter made an invitation to the Ottawa members to attend the annual Montreal Chapter Golf tournament. The cost of meals at chapter meeting would increase $0.25 to $2.25 and would include tips.

This would be the end of the first year of 50 years for the Ottawa Valley Chapter.

ASHRAE Ottawa Valley Chapter Charter

bell and gavel
Gavel and Bell

gavel close-up
Gavel Inscription




Key Dollar Value in this period

prime minister
Prime Minister
Louis St. Laurent
dollar coin
1 dollar CDN
1.02 dollar U.S.
governor general
Governor General
Vincent Massey



Key Events in this period

The Library of Parliament was closed for two years following a fire
US detonates first hydrogen bomb in the Marshall Islands, South Pacific
The History Group of the Historical Society of Ottawa was formed
Edmund Hilary and Tenzing Norgay become the first humans to reach the summit of Mount Everest
Montreal Canadians:
Rocket Richard moves past Nels Stewart on the all time goal list with 325th of his career
Gordie Howe made a run at Rocket Richard's 50 goal season record. Howe Goes into his last regular season game with 49 goals, but he is held off the score sheet by the Canadians
Montreal Canadians win the Stanley Cup
April 9 Boston 2 Montreal 4 
April 11 Boston 4 Montreal 1 
April 12 Montreal 3 Boston 0 
April 14 Montreal 7 Boston 3 
April 16 Boston 0 Montreal 1 OT